Sexually transmitted infections (STI) rank among the top five conditions for which sexually active adults seek health care in the developing countries. As per the community based STI/RTI prevalence study (2003), over 6% of the adult population in India suffers from one or the other STI/RTI episode annually. There is enough evidence to suggest that early diagnosis, treatment and management of STI/RTI including inducing behavior change through education amongst the target groups will reduce transmission of STI/RTI and HIV. Failure to diagnose and treat STI/RTI at an early stage in women of reproductive age group may result in serious complications and consequences, including infertility, fetal wastage, ectopic pregnancy, ano-genital cancer and premature death, as well as neonatal and infant infections. Presence of a STI/RTI in the sexual partner increases the risk of acquisition of HIV from an infected partner by 8-10 fold Effective control of STI/RTI is a strong and most cost effective strategy for reducing/preventing transmission of HIV.

Control of STI/RTI is an important component of the NACP; during NACP IV, the programme aimed to provide universal, comprehensive and standardized quality STI/RTI services at all health care facilities to all population groups with special emphasis on HRG population and vulnerable groups, including women and adolescents through convergence with NHM and by involvement of private sector.

1. Designated STI / RTI Clinics
2. TI NGO clinics under STI / RTI